DX Packaging

Why use packaging?

Deploying Metadata using Packages to PROD org

How we deploy Metadata to PROD orgs today

current deployment of metadata

current deployment of metadata

  • Ant Migration Tool
  • SFDX force:mdapi

Source Based Development

Org-based development

Org based Development Org based Development

Modular Development - developing towards module not towards org


DCP - Developer Controlled Packages - Modular Development to Package Development


Modular Development

  $ sfdx force:mdapi -h
Usage: sfdx force:mdapi:COMMAND [command-specific-options]

retrieve and deploy metadata using Metadata API

sfdx force:mdapi commands: (get help with sfdx help force:mdapi:COMMAND)
 force:mdapi:convert          convert metadata from the Metadata API format into the Salesforce DX format
 force:mdapi:deploy           deploy metadata to an org using Metadata API
 force:mdapi:deploy:report    check the status of a metadata deployment
 force:mdapi:retrieve         retrieve metadata from an org using Metadata API
 force:mdapi:retrieve:report  check the status of a metadata retrieval
  • Changesets

    • Sandbox based development
    • Collect the set of metadata should be transported
    • Deploy to PROD instances
  • Unmanaged Packages

    • Build an app
    • Put it into unmanaged package

Challenges with current methods

  • Absence of an Immutable Artifcat

    • Starts with list of components to deployed from one env to another
    • No easy way to aggregating and knowing set-of-metadata moving to diffrent stages
      • Scratch org --> Deploy Metadata to Sanbox orgs --> UAT --> PROD
    • Above methods do not offer this feature : Immutable Artifcat
  • Changes and Upgrades

    • Change versioning all the way to the PROD
      • No concept of versioning in Changesets , Unmanaged packages, Ant migration
        • Once deployed -- it is happy soup of unpackaged set of metadata
  • Organization in PROD org
    • AppExchange Apps
    • Unpackaged set of metadata - difficult to manage
    • No concept of ownership in metadata
      • who is responisble for the fields, validation rules,...

Unpackaged metadata

Organizing Metadata into Packages

Repeatble, Scriptable, Trackable

DX Packages Features

  • DX packages we can create Immutable Artifcats on a repeatable manner
  • Version the changes you are making - maintained in the VCS
  • Versioning is built into the packaging

    • Checkout a version of the package - snapshot - package version
    • Make changes - add/edit/remove components
  • Can be used across the environments - transporting

  • Helps to organize metadata in the org

  • ISV packaging

    • Manageability rules - ensures that packages by ISV does not break customer orgs
    • This model does not work for Enterprise customers
    • DX Packaging meets Enterprise customers use cases

Developing and Deploying an App using DX and Packages

DX Packages App Dev Full Flow

  • Start with SFDX
  • Set up VCS
  • Biz Process
  • Developer Spins up scratch org
    • Get Product Designer / Admin to login to Scratch org
    • Use UI to build biz process, workflows, page-layout
    • Developer pull these UI based changes to the scratch org
    • Developer or release manager creates the package using sfdx cli to get a immutable package
    • Use the package in CI Runs
    • Use the same set of packages across the enviroments - sandboxes including UAT
    • Use sfdx cli to install same package into PROD

Maintaining and Enhancing an App using Packages

DX Packages App Dev Maintenance

Organizing Unpackaged Metadata using Packages to the benefits of versioning, iterating with help of DX packaging

Unpackaged metadata


DX Packages App Dev Maintenance


DX Packages App Dev Maintenance

Guidelines and Criteria in Identifying metadata that can be migrated into a Package

Guidelines to making packages

Criteria to making packages

Things to note

Anti patterns

Org shape

  • Features
  • Preferences
  • Settings

org shape-1 org shape-2


  • How to get list of packages installed in an org ```bash

Usage: sfdx force:package:installed:list [-u ] [--json] [--loglevel ]

list the org’s installed packages

Flags: -u, --targetusername TARGETUSERNAME username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org --json format output as json --loglevel LOGLEVEL logging level for this command invocation (error*,trace,debug,info,warn,fatal)

Examples: $ sfdx force:package:installed:list $ sfdx force:package:installed:list -u me@example.com

- How to install a package listed above into a target org
$ sfdx force:package:install -h
Usage: sfdx force:package:install [-i <id>] [-w <minutes>] [-k <string>] [-p <minutes>] [-r] [--package <string>] [-u <string>] [--json] [--loglevel <string>] 

install a package in the target org

 -i, --id ID                            WARNING: The flag "id" has been
                                        deprecated and will be removed in
                                        v43.01.0 or later. Use "--package"
 -k, --installationkey INSTALLATIONKEY  installation key for key-protected
                                        package (default: null)
 -r, --noprompt                         allow Remote Site Settings and Content
                                        Security Policy websites to send or
                                        receive data without confirmation
 -p, --publishwait PUBLISHWAIT          number of minutes to wait for subscriber
                                        package version ID to become available
                                        in the target org WARNING: The short
                                        name "-p" has been deprecated and will
                                        be removed in v44.0 or later. Use
                                        "--publishwait" instead.
 -u, --targetusername TARGETUSERNAME    username or alias for the target org;
                                        overrides default target org
 -w, --wait WAIT                        number of minutes to wait for
                                        installation status
 --json                                 format output as json
 --loglevel LOGLEVEL                    logging level for this command
 --package PACKAGE                      ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the
                                        package version to install

Supply the ID of the package version you want to install. The package installs in your default target org unless you supply the username for a different target org.

   $ sfdx force:package:install --package 04t... -u me@example.com
   $ sfdx force:package:install --package awesome_package_alias
   $ sfdx force:package:install --package "Awesome Package Alias"
  • Define the dependencies between packages declaratively

    • Example: Expense package has dependency on Common-Util module
    • In scratch org install - dependent package and packages it depends on
  • To use a Managed package in Scratch org, install that managed package in Scaratch org and DCP for the extensions and start the development process

  • Size of the DCP is determined by the limits of the metadata api

  • Difference between Package2 and DCP

    • Package2 is a umberlla term covering different types of packaging (for partners and enterprise customers)
    • DCP is customer oriented - enterprise customers doing modular development using packaging

App Hub - UI for SFDX

App Hub UI for SFDX

Convert metadata from the Metadata API format into the Salesforce DX format

$ sfdx force:mdapi:convert -h
Usage: sfdx force:mdapi:convert -r <directory> [-d <directory>] [--json] [--loglevel <string>]

convert metadata from the Metadata API format into the Salesforce DX format

 -d, --outputdir OUTPUTDIR  the output directory to store the Salesforce
                            DX–formatted source
 -r, --rootdir ROOTDIR      (required) the root directory containing the
                            Metadata API–formatted metadata
 --json                     format output as json
 --loglevel LOGLEVEL        logging level for this command invocation

To work with metadata that you retrieved via Metadata API using the Salesforce DX tools, convert the metadata to the Salesforce DX source format using"sfdx force:mdapi:convert".

To convert the source back to the Metadata API format, so that you can deploy it using "sfdx force:mdapi:deploy", run "sfdx force:source:convert".

   $ sfdx force:mdapi:convert -r <path to source>
   $ sfdx force:mdapi:convert -r <path to source> -d <path to outputdir>

org with no installed package

mdap to dx format

Create a second-generation package (package2)

$ sfdx force:package2:create -h
Usage: sfdx force:package2:create -n <string> [-o <string>] [-d <string>] [-e] [-v <string>] [--json] [--loglevel <string>]

WARNING: The command "create" has been deprecated and will be removed in v43.01.0 or later. Use "force:package:create" instead.

create a second-generation package

 -o, --containeroptions CONTAINEROPTIONS          [*Managed | Unlocked]
                                                  container options for the

 -d, --description DESCRIPTION                    package description
 -n, --name NAME                                  (required) package name
 -e, --nonamespace                                creates the package with no
                                                  namespace; available only for
                                                  developer-controlled packages.
 -v, --targetdevhubusername TARGETDEVHUBUSERNAME  username or alias for the dev
                                                  hub org; overrides default dev
                                                  hub org
 --json                                           format output as json
 --loglevel LOGLEVEL                              logging level for this command

First, use this command to create a second-generation package. Then create a package version.

   $ sfdx force:package2:create -n PackageName -d 'My New Package' -o Unlocked

Run 'sfdx force:package2:list' to list all second-generation packages in the Dev Hub org.


$ sfdx force:package2:create --containeroptions Unlocked --name "Expense 2018.05.11 10:20"

Successfully created a second generation package (package2):

=== Ids


# Unlocked -- allows full editablity in the org for allowing emergency patches

# Managed (Locked) --  allows full no editablity in the org

create package2

With Package id: create package2

Create a second-generation package version

$ sfdx force:package2:version:create -h
Usage: sfdx force:package2:version:create [-i <id>] [-d <directory>] [-b <string>] [-t <string>] [-k <string>] [-w <minutes>] [-v <string>] [--json] [--loglevel <string>]

WARNING: The command "version:create" has been deprecated and will be removed in v43.01.0 or later. Use "force:package:version:create" instead.

create a second-generation package version

 -b, --branch BRANCH                              the package version’s branch
 -d, --directory DIRECTORY                        path to directory that
                                                  contains the contents of the
                                                  package version
 -k, --installationkey INSTALLATIONKEY            installation key for
                                                  key-protected package
                                                  (default: null)
 -i, --package2id PACKAGE2ID                      ID of the parent package
                                                  (starts with 0Ho)
 -t, --tag TAG                                    the package version’s tag
 -v, --targetdevhubusername TARGETDEVHUBUSERNAME  username or alias for the dev
                                                  hub org; overrides default dev
                                                  hub org
 -w, --wait WAIT                                  minutes to wait for the
                                                  package version to be created
 --json                                           format output as json
 --loglevel LOGLEVEL                              logging level for this command

The package version is based on the package contents in the specified directory.

To retrieve details about a package version create request, including status and package2 version ID (05i), run "sfdx force:package2:version:create:get -i 08c...".

To list package version creation requests in the org, run "sfdx force:package2:version:create:list".

   $ sfdx force:package2:version:create -d common
   $ sfdx force:package2:version:create -i 0Ho... -d common

$ sfdx force:package2:version:create -d force-app

## This is async, will queue the request and provide the command to run to get the status
## The package is created from the source in the local folder in the file system


  • Directory structure of DX workspace

# Retrive metadata
$ sfdx force:mdapi:retrieve -h
Usage: sfdx force:mdapi:retrieve -r <directory> [-a <number>] [-w <minutes>] [-k <filepath>] [-d <directory>] [-p <string>...] [-s] [-i <id>] [-u <string>] [--json] [--loglevel <string>] [--verbose] 

retrieve metadata from an org using Metadata API

 -a, --apiversion APIVERSION                target API version for the retrieve
                                            (default 42.0)
 -i, --jobid JOBID                          WARNING: The flag "jobid" has been
                                            deprecated and will be removed in
                                            v41.01.0 or later. Instead, use
                                            "sfdx force:mdapi:retrieve:report -i
                                            <jobId> -r <targetDir>".
 -p, --packagenames PACKAGENAMES            a comma-separated list of packages
                                            to retrieve
 -r, --retrievetargetdir RETRIEVETARGETDIR  (required) directory root for the
                                            retrieved files
 -s, --singlepackage                        a single-package retrieve (default:
 -d, --sourcedir SOURCEDIR                  source dir to use instead of default
                                            manifest sfdx-project.xml
 -u, --targetusername TARGETUSERNAME        username or alias for the target
                                            org; overrides default target org
 -k, --unpackaged UNPACKAGED                file path of manifest of components
                                            to retrieve
 -w, --wait WAIT                            wait time for command to finish in
                                            minutes (default: -1 (no limit))
 --json                                     format output as json
 --loglevel LOGLEVEL                        logging level for this command
 --verbose                                  verbose output of retrieve result

The default target username is the admin user for the default scratch org. You can retrieve and deploy up to 10,000 files or 400 MB (39 MB compressed) at one time.

To retrieve a package with a space in its name, enclose the name in single quotes.

   $ sfdx force:mdapi:retrieve -s -r ./mdapipkg -u <username> -p 'My Package'

Install a package in the target org

$ sfdx force:package:install -h
Usage: sfdx force:package:install [-i <id>] [-w <minutes>] [-k <string>] [-p <minutes>] [-r] [--package <string>] [-u <string>] [--json] [--loglevel <string>]

install a package in the target org

 -i, --id ID                            WARNING: The flag "id" has been
                                        deprecated and will be removed in
                                        v43.01.0 or later. Use "--package"
 -k, --installationkey INSTALLATIONKEY  installation key for key-protected
                                        package (default: null)
 -r, --noprompt                         allow Remote Site Settings and Content
                                        Security Policy websites to send or
                                        receive data without confirmation
 -p, --publishwait PUBLISHWAIT          number of minutes to wait for subscriber
                                        package version ID to become available
                                        in the target org WARNING: The short
                                        name "-p" has been deprecated and will
                                        be removed in v44.0 or later. Use
                                        "--publishwait" instead.
 -u, --targetusername TARGETUSERNAME    username or alias for the target org;
                                        overrides default target org
 -w, --wait WAIT                        number of minutes to wait for
                                        installation status
 --json                                 format output as json
 --loglevel LOGLEVEL                    logging level for this command
 --package PACKAGE                      ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the
                                        package version to install

Supply the ID of the package version you want to install. The package installs in your default target org unless you supply the username for a different target org.

   $ sfdx force:package:install --package 04t... -u me@example.com
   $ sfdx force:package:install --package awesome_package_alias
   $ sfdx force:package:install --package "Awesome Package Alias"

Org with newly installed package

org with newly installed package

Exploring the installed package

Exploring the installed package

Updating the packaging

next version package

  • Structure of sfdx-project.json file

  • Create Package and Package Version

  • The "NEXT" token

Key Points

  • Sharing metadata:
    • Packages can depend on each other
    • Depenedcies can be enforced at build time
    • Check of circular references
    • Inter-package dependencies check during the build of packages, if there any issues, the transaction will be rolled back
  • Common dependencies
    • Package A and B are using util Package U
    • Salesforce does not have class loader, this issue needed by worked by the developer to maintain the forward compatability
  • Finding out depreciated items in the package

    • Tooling API can be used for this
    • We do not hard-delete items
    • Explicit hard-delete is coming soon
  • Scratch orgs have listener for the metadata changes

  • Delta packaging is coming soon

Enable Packaging 2 (Beta) in Dev Hub Org

Enable Package


Video: How Everyone Can Leverage Salesforce DX Packaging

Video: Simplify your code with Salesforce DX and module development

Video: Second Generation Packaging for Customers and Partners

List Package2

$ sfdx force:package2:list
No results found



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MetadataComponentDependency (API Version 43.0 -- currently in Pilot)

Use SOQL queries to list the relationships between the metadata components in your org. The query results include one row for each relationship.

Example: Show all references to the Apex class (Type) YourClass (Name)

-- shows pages, components, flows, and other classes that YourClass depends on
SELECT MetadataComponentName,
    FROM MetadataComponentDependency
          RefMetadataComponentType = 'ApexClass' 
          RefMetadataComponentName = 'YourClass'

Example: Shows all references to a field, including references from layouts, Apex code, flows, reports, and so on

-- queries FieldDefinition object
--  shows all the metadata components that the field with the ID yourFieldId depends on
SELECT MetadataComponentName, 
    FROM MetadataComponentDependency
       RefMetadataComponentId = yourFieldId


results matching ""

    No results matching ""