Aura UI framework

Aura is a UI framework for developing dynamic web apps for mobile and desktop devices, while providing a scalable long-lived lifecycle to support building apps engineered for growth.

It supports partitioned multi-tier component development that bridges the client and server.

Create helloWorld app with Aura


  1. Follow the instructions at: Aura repo

Note: Due a bug in Aura install run this:

 cp ~/.m2/repository/archetype-catalog.xml ~/.m2/archetype-catalog.xml

 mvn archetype:generate -D archetypeCatalog=local -X

 2. Inputs for this archetype:

Define value for property 'groupId': :
Define value for property 'artifactId': : helloWorld
Define value for property 'version':  1.0-SNAPSHOT: :
Define value for property 'package':

Confirm properties configuration:
artifactId: helloWorld
version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
 Y: : Y

3. There is a bug in current code generation in the area of module (experimental) feature. Remove that module folder and its contents

4. Run this app:

cd helloWorld
mvn jetty:run -Djetty.port=9877
  1. You will see the app running at:

Aura helloWorld App

Aura helloWorld app

Structure of Aura app


Component ids

A component has two types of IDs: a local ID and a global ID. You can retrieve a component using its local ID in your JavaScript code.


 <lightning:button aura:id="button1" label="button1"/>

Using: You can find the button component by calling:

cmp.find("button1") in your client-side controller, where cmp is a reference to the component containing the button.

To find the local ID for a component in JavaScript, use cmp.getLocalId().

Note: aura:id doesn't support expressions. You can only assign literal string values to aura:id.

A global ID can be useful to differentiate between multiple instances of a component or for debugging purposes.

Every component has a unique global Id, which is the generated runtime-unique ID of the component instance.

To create a unique ID for an HTML element, you can use the globalId as a prefix or suffix for your element. For example:

 <div id="{!globalId + '_footer'}"></div>

To find the global ID for a component in JavaScript, use cmp.getGlobalId().



is the framework's expression syntax



In this case, the expression we are evaluating is v.whom. The name of the attribute we defined is whom, while v is the value provider for a component's attribute set, which represents the view.

<aura:application access="global" useAppcache="false" render="client">

     <aura:attribute name="whom" type="String" default="world"/>
    Hello {!v.whom}!<hr/>

      passing the value of the attribute to the app via parameter:

    hello web, from the Aura sample app
    <example:textCmp text="helloWorld" />
    <example:textCmp text="from Aura!" />

    <example:listCmp listTitle="my list title"/>


Passing the value of the attribute to the app via parameter


Pass through variables


   <aura:attribute name="listTitle" type="String" default="" access="GLOBAL" />

     <li class="red">I'm red.</li>
     <li class="blue">I'm blue.</li>
     <li class="green">I'm green.</li>

     {#v.listTitle} is passthrough variable from this component to the child component
  <example:textCmp text="{#v.listTitle}"/>

Definitions versus Instances

In object-oriented programming, there’s a difference between a class and an instance of that class. Components have a similar concept.

When you create a .cmp file, you are providing the definition (class) of that component. When you put a component tag in a .cmp file or .app file, you are creating a reference to (instance of) that component.


<aura:application access="global" useAppcache="false" render="client">

     <aura:attribute name="whom" type="String" default="world"/>
    Hello {!v.whom}!<hr/>

      passing the value of the attribute to the app via parameter:

    hello web, from the Aura sample app
    <!-- 2 instances of the component example:textCmp -->
    <example:textCmp text="helloWorld" />
    <example:textCmp text="from Aura!" />

    <example:listCmp listTitle="my list title"/>



  1. Aura Open Source Developer Guide

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