Playing with buttons



greeter2 demo

Code : Component: Greeter.cmp

URL: Repo

<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome"
                access="global" >

    <aura:attribute name="greeting" type="String" default="Hello World"/> 
    <lightning:button label="{!v.greeting}" onclick="{!c.changeGreeting}" />

    <lightning:buttonMenu iconName="utility:settings" alternativeText="Settings"
                          onselect="{! c.handleLangMenuSelect }">
        <lightning:menuItem label="English" value="en" />
        <lightning:menuItem label="Tamil"   value="ta"/>
        <lightning:menuItem label="Hindi"   value="hi"/>
        <lightning:menuItem label="Malayalam"   value="ml" />
        <lightning:menuItem label="French"  value="fr"/>
        <lightning:menuItem label="Spanish" value="es" />
        <lightning:menuItem label="Italian" value="it" />
        <lightning:menuItem label="Urdu"    value="ur" />
        <lightning:menuItem label="Kannada"  value="kn" />
        <lightning:menuItem label="Telugu"   value="te" />


Code : Controller: GreeterController.js

// Component Controller 
//  it can have handlers
//  Controller can make use of functions in the Helper
//  Helper contains reusable methods the Controller can make use of


    // onclick handler for the button
    // brings in 'component' and 'helper'
    changeGreeting : function(component, event, helper) {
        // set this component variable (v.greeting) to the 'newGreeting'  
        //  with the help of the helper function : updateGreeting(component)    

    //onselect handler for the buttonMenu
    handleLangMenuSelect: function(component, event, helper) {
     helper.updateGreetingGivenLang(component, event);


Code : Helper: GreeterHelper.js

// Helper
// Helper provides reusable functions to the Controller

//  -------------------Benefits of the helper----------------------
/* Since Helper is shared across everything,
 *  it allows us to share and keep logic across of Controllers and Renderers in one place
 * It also helps us keep logic within Controllers and Renderers lean.
//  ----------------------------------------------------------------

    updateGreeting : function(component) {
        // get a randomized greeting message
        var newGreetings= ["Bonjour!", "வணக்கம் ", " Buenos días", "Buon giorno!", " السلام علیکم", "ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ", "నమస్కారం " ];
        var rand = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6 ) );
        // update the button label with the new lang greeting
        component.set("v.greeting", newGreetings[rand]);


    // updates the given button (component ) text to
    //  value got out-of onselect event from the buttonMenu component
    updateGreetingGivenLang : function(component, event) {

        var greetLang =  { "en": "Hello World",
                           "fr": "Bonjour!",
                           "ta": "வணக்கம் ",
                           "es": " Buenos días", 
                           "it": "Buon giorno!",
                           "ur":  " السلام علیکم",
                           "kn": "ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ", 
                           "te": "నమస్కారం ",
                           "ml": "നമസ്തേ",
                           "hi": "नमस्ते ।"
        // value got out-of onselect event from the buttonMenu component  
        var lang = event.getParam('value');
        // update the button label with the new lang greeting
        component.set("v.greeting", greetLang[lang]);



lightning:buttonIconStateful and lightning:badge


buttonIconStateful demo

Code : Component: Greeter.cmp

URL: Repo

<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome"
                access="global" >

     <!-- button   -->
    <aura:attribute name="greeting" type="String" default="Hello World"/> 
    <lightning:button label="{!v.greeting}" onclick="{!c.changeGreeting}" />

     <!-- buttonMenu   -->
    <lightning:buttonMenu iconName="utility:settings" alternativeText="Settings"
                          onselect="{! c.handleLangMenuSelect }">
        <lightning:menuItem label="English" value="en" />
        <lightning:menuItem label="Tamil"   value="ta"/>
        <lightning:menuItem label="Hindi"   value="hi"/>
        <lightning:menuItem label="Malayalam"   value="ml" />
        <lightning:menuItem label="French"  value="fr"/>
        <lightning:menuItem label="Spanish" value="es" />
        <lightning:menuItem label="Italian" value="it" />
        <lightning:menuItem label="Urdu"    value="ur" />
        <lightning:menuItem label="Kannada"  value="kn" />
        <lightning:menuItem label="Telugu"   value="te" />

    <!-- buttonIconStateful  and badge -->
    <aura:attribute name="numClicks" type="Integer" default="0"/> 
    <aura:attribute name="liked" type="Boolean" default="true"/>

    <lightning:buttonIconStateful iconName="utility:like"
                                  onclick="{! c.handleLikedToggle }"/>
    <lightning:badge label="{!v.numClicks}" />

Code : Controller: GreeterController.js

// Component Controller 
//  it can have handlers
//  Controller can make use of functions in the Helper
//  Helper contains reusable methods the Controller can make use of


    // onclick handler for the button
    // brings in 'component' and 'helper'
    changeGreeting : function(component, event, helper) {
        // set this component variable (v.greeting) to the 'newGreeting'  
        //  with the help of the helper function : updateGreeting(component)    

    //onselect handler for the buttonMenu
    handleLangMenuSelect: function(component, event, helper) {
        helper.updateGreetingGivenLang(component, event);


    // handles the buttonIconStateful on select event
    handleLikedToggle : function (component, event) {
        var liked = component.get("v.liked");
        component.set("v.liked", !liked);
        var currentNumClicks = component.get("v.numClicks");
        component.set("v.numClicks", currentNumClicks)



Code : Helper: GreeterHelper.js

// Helper
// Helper provides reusable functions to the Controller

//  -------------------Benefits of the helper----------------------
/* Since Helper is shared across everything,
 *  it allows us to share and keep logic across of Controllers and Renderers in one place
 * It also helps us keep logic within Controllers and Renderers lean.
//  ----------------------------------------------------------------

    updateGreeting : function(component) {
        // get a randomized greeting message
        var newGreetings= ["Bonjour!", "வணக்கம் ", " Buenos días", "Buon giorno!", " السلام علیکم", "ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ", "నమస్కారం " ];
        var rand = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6 ) );
        // update the button label with the new lang greeting
        component.set("v.greeting", newGreetings[rand]);


    // updates the given button (component ) text to
    //  value got out-of onselect event from the buttonMenu component
    updateGreetingGivenLang : function(component, event) {

        var greetLang =  { "en": "Hello World",
                           "fr": "Bonjour!",
                           "ta": "வணக்கம் ",
                           "es": " Buenos días", 
                           "it": "Buon giorno!",
                           "ur":  " السلام علیکم",
                           "kn": "ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ", 
                           "te": "నమస్కారం ",
                           "ml": "നമസ്തേ",
                           "hi": "नमस्ते ।"
        // value got out-of onselect event from the buttonMenu component  
        var lang = event.getParam('value');
        // update the button label with the new lang greeting
        component.set("v.greeting", greetLang[lang]);





button group demo

Code : Component: Greeter.cmp

URL: Repo

<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome"
                access="global" >

    <aura:attribute name="greeting" type="String" default="Hello World"/>
    <aura:attribute name="imgsrc" type="String" 

    <!-- buttonIconStateful  and badge -->
    <aura:attribute name="numClicks" type="Integer" default="0"/> 
    <aura:attribute name="liked" type="Boolean" default="true"/>

    <lightning:card title="Greeter" 
                    iconName="standard:account" footer="">
        <p>lightning:card <hr/></p>
        <!-- button   -->
        <lightning:button label="{!v.greeting}" onclick="{!c.changeGreeting}" />

        <aura:set attribute="actions">
            <!-- buttonMenu   -->
            <lightning:buttonMenu iconName="utility:settings" 

                                  alternativeText="Lang Settings"
                                  onselect="{! c.handleLangMenuSelect }">
                <lightning:menuItem label="English" value="en" />
                <lightning:menuItem label="Tamil"   value="ta"/>
                <lightning:menuItem label="Hindi"   value="hi"/>
                <lightning:menuItem label="Malayalam"   value="ml" />
                <lightning:menuItem label="French"  value="fr"/>
                <lightning:menuItem label="Spanish" value="es" />
                <lightning:menuItem label="Italian" value="it" />
                <lightning:menuItem label="Urdu"    value="ur" />
                <lightning:menuItem label="Kannada"  value="kn" />
                <lightning:menuItem label="Telugu"   value="te" />
        <!-- card body -->
        <p class="slds-p-horizontal_small">

            <lightning:buttonIconStateful iconName="utility:like"
                                          onclick="{! c.handleLikedToggle }"/>
            <lightning:badge label="{!v.numClicks}" />

            <!-- buttonGroup -->
                <lightning:button label="Donkey"  aura:id="donkey"  variant="brand" onclick="{!c.showLove}"/>
                <lightning:button label="Donkey-2"  aura:id="baby-donkey-1"  onclick="{!c.showLove}"/>
                <lightning:button label="Cow"     aura:id="cow"     onclick="{!c.showLove}"/>
                <lightning:button label="Mule"    aura:id="mule"    onclick="{!c.showLove}"/>
                <lightning:button label="Horse"   aura:id="horse"   onclick="{!c.showLove}"/>
                <lightning:button label="Goat-1"  aura:id="goat-1"  onclick="{!c.showLove}"/>
                <lightning:button label="Goat-2"  aura:id="goat-2"  onclick="{!c.showLove}"/>
                <lightning:button label="Peacock" aura:id="peacock-1"  onclick="{!c.showLove}"/>
                 <lightning:buttonIcon iconName="utility:close" 
                           onclick="{! c.showLove }"
                           alternativeText="Show Donkey please!" />

            <img src="{!v.imgsrc}"/>


Code : Controller: GreeterController.js

 // Component Controller 
//  it can have handlers
//  Controller can make use of functions in the Helper
//  Helper contains reusable methods the Controller can make use of


    // onclick handler for the button
    // brings in 'component' and 'helper'
    changeGreeting : function(component, event, helper) {
        // set this component variable (v.greeting) to the 'newGreeting'  
        //  with the help of the helper function : updateGreeting(component)    

    //onselect handler for the buttonMenu
    handleLangMenuSelect: function(component, event, helper) {
        helper.updateGreetingGivenLang(component, event);


    // handles the buttonIconStateful on select event
    handleLikedToggle : function (component, event) {
        var liked = component.get("v.liked");
        component.set("v.liked", !liked);
        var currentNumClicks = component.get("v.numClicks");
        component.set("v.numClicks", currentNumClicks)


    // handles the buttonGroup button onclick event 
    showLove: function(component, event) {
        // event.getSource().getLocalId() returns the aura:id of the clicked button.
        // event.getSource().get("") returns the name of the clicked button
        var item = event.getSource().getLocalId();
        var type = '.png';
        if (item === 'baby-donkey-1') type = '.gif';
        var imgSrcBase = "";  
        var imgSrc = imgSrcBase + item + type;


Code : Helper: GreeterHelper.js

// Helper
// Helper provides reusable functions to the Controller

//  -------------------Benefits of the helper----------------------
/* Since Helper is shared across everything,
 *  it allows us to share and keep logic across of Controllers and Renderers in one place
 * It also helps us keep logic within Controllers and Renderers lean.
//  ----------------------------------------------------------------

    updateGreeting : function(component) {
        // get a randomized greeting message
        var newGreetings= ["Bonjour!", "வணக்கம் ", " Buenos días", "Buon giorno!", " السلام علیکم", "ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ", "నమస్కారం " ];
        var rand = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6 ) );
        // update the button label with the new lang greeting
        component.set("v.greeting", newGreetings[rand]);


    // updates the given button (component ) text to
    //  value got out-of onselect event from the buttonMenu component
    updateGreetingGivenLang : function(component, event) {

        var greetLang =  { "en": "Hello World",
                           "fr": "Bonjour!",
                           "ta": "வணக்கம் ",
                           "es": " Buenos días", 
                           "it": "Buon giorno!",
                           "ur":  " السلام علیکم",
                           "kn": "ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ", 
                           "te": "నమస్కారం ",
                           "ml": "നമസ്തേ",
                           "hi": "नमस्ते ।"
        // value got out-of onselect event from the buttonMenu component  
        var lang = event.getParam('value');
        // update the button label with the new lang greeting
        component.set("v.greeting", greetLang[lang]);


// let us toast it
        var toastEvent = $A.get("e.force:showToast");
            "title": "Image shown!",
            "message": "Toast from " + item

results matching ""

    No results matching ""