
  • Salesforce Analytics Query Language (SAQL) used to access data in Analytics Cloud datasets
  • Used in lenses, dashboards, and explorer to gather data for visualizations.

Video: SAQL Basics

Enable SAQL Logs in the Chrome Browser

Expression Involving Booleans

  • Note: "true" value for the boolean

Effects of Editing SQL in a Lens

  • Note: Editing the SAQL results :
    Filters cannot be visually displayed because of the advanced editing in SAQL

Special Characters

Best Practices

  • After loading the dataset: result = load dataset; apply filter to the dataset you will be working down the line, this way, we will be dealing with filtered records : result = filter rows by predicate;
  • Example:
    q = load "DTC_Opportunity_SAMPLE";
    q = filter q by 'Closed' == "true";
  • Filter before the projection and filter after projection (post-projection filter)

Pre-projection filters - AND and OR

Editing a Column - adding Calculated Column

Editing a Column - adding Calculated Column - contd.

Video: SAQL Advanced Filters

Post-projection filters


Video: SAQL Coalesce


  • Combines multiple result sets into one result set.
    q = load "opportunity";
    q = group q by ('Account.AccountSource', 'Account.BillingCountry');
    q = foreach q generate 'Account.AccountSource' as 'Account.AccountSource',
        'Account.BillingCountry' as 'Account.BillingCountry', sum('Amount') as 'sum_Amount';
    q = order q by ('Account.AccountSource' asc, 'Account.BillingCountry' asc);
    r = load "opportunity";
    r = group r by (  'Account.BillingCountry');
    r = foreach r generate "Total" as 'Account.AccountSource','Account.BillingCountry',
        sum('Amount') as 'sum_Amount';
    -- union  q and r
    s = union q,r;
    s = group s by ('Account.AccountSource' , 'Account.BillingCountry' );
    s = foreach s generate 'Account.AccountSource','Account.BillingCountry',sum('sum_Amount') as 'sum_Amount'

Video: SAQL Union


  • Cogrouping means that two input streams, called left and right are grouped independently and arranged side by side . Only data that exists in both groups appears in the results.
        z = cogroup x by (day,origin), y by (day,airport);
        -- You can’t have the same stream on both sides of a cogroup operation.
        -- To perform a cogroup operation on one dataset,
        --  load the same dataset twice so you have two streams.
        a = load "opportunity";
        b = load "opportunity";
        b = cogroup a by ClosedDate, b by CreatedDate;
        c = foreach b generate sum(a.Amount) as Amount

Video: SAQL cogroup

Create Calculated Columns Using the Compare Table

  • Use the Compare Table to define : custom formulas with columns of data. View measures side by side, and perform math across the table’s columns and rows.

Windowing Functions

  • To calculate common business cases such as:
    • percent of grand total
    • moving average
    • year and quarter growth
    • ranking
  • Allows to calculate data for a single group using aggregated data from adjacent groups
  • Aggregates across groups rather than within groups and accepts any valid numerical projection on which to aggregate.
  • Windowing functionality is enabled only for grouped queries
    q = load "dataset";
    q = group q by (OrderDate_Year, OrderDate_Quarter);
    q = foreach q generate OrderDate_Year as Year, OrderDate_Quarter as Quarter,
              sum(Sales) as sum_amt,
              sum(sum(Sales)) over([.. 0] partition by all order by (OrderDate_Year, OrderDate_Quarter)) as r_sum;

Windowing Functions - Contd.

  • Aggregate functions that supports windowing:
    • avg, sum, min, max, count, median
    • percentile_disc, and percentile_cont
  • Ranking Function: Returns a rank value for each row in a partition. Rank functions supported:
      • rank(): Assigns rank based on order. Repeats rank when the value is the same, and skips as many on the next non-match.
      • dense_rank(): Same as rank() but doesn’t skip values on previous repetitions.
      • cume_dist(): Calculates the cumulative distribution (relative position) of the data in the reset group.
      • row_number(): Assigns a number incremented by 1 for every row in the reset group.

Video: SAQL compare table
