
Benefits for the Enterprise

  • Distributed: Trusted decentralized shared immutable temper-proof/evident ledger - once transactions (orders, payments, account tracking,...) are recorded can't be altered (WriteOnceReadMany - WORM): shared system-of-record (SSOR) among the members of the network - members share a common view of the truth - no need to reconcile the disparate ledgers. Transactions can't changed; it can only be reversed with another transaction
    • Each transaction is put into a block
    • Each block is connected to one before and one after it to create: a bockchain
  • Permissioned: members of the network has access rights: confidential info is shared on a need-to-know basis
  • Secured: Consensus is required among the members of the network to create/update/delete transactions
  • Peer-to-peer:Each member of the network can act as both publisher and subscriber
  • Each node can send/receive transactions to/from other nodes - data is synced across the network
    • Lower transaction cost : Eliminates or reduces paper processes, speeding up transaction times and increasing efficiencies
    • High velocity process
    • Security and trust


  • Tangible:
    • House
    • Land
    • Cash
  • Intangible
    • Patents
    • IP
    • copy-rights
  • Blockchain can be used to track anything of value


  • Need for efficient, reliable and secure for conducting and recording financial transactions
  • Issues in Current transactions systems:
    • Instruments of trust: Minted Coins, paper-money, letter-of-credit, banking systems : to protect buyers and sellers
    • Innovations: Telephone lines, credit-card systems, Internet, mobile - improved convenience/speed/efficiency of transactions - eliminating/reducing distance between buyers and sellers
    • Limitations of current systems:
      • duration between transaction and settlement can be long
      • need for 3rd party validations - intermediaries increase the inefficiency
      • fraud, cyber-attacks add to the cost/complexity of doing business - if a central system is attacked/compromised it exposes all the participants of the network
      • credit card systems: merchants must pay high-cost of onboarding (with paperworks) and vetting process
      • everyone the world do not have bank accounts - so parallel payment systems are used
      • limited transparency and inconsistent information

Things to change the environment

  • Internet Of Things (IoT)
  • Autonomous objects:
    • Fridges - with order management built-in
    • Cars - deliver themselves


  • Consensus: all participants should agree for a transaction to be valid
  • Provenance: participants know where the asset came from and how its ownership changed over the time
  • Immutable: participants can't temper a transaction after it is recorded in the ledger. If a transaction is in error, a new transaction must be used to correct the error and bother corrected and correcting transactions should be visible
  • Finality: Single shared ledger - determines the ownership of the asset or the completion of the transaction

Bitcoin White paper

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