
Uses query() call on Database Uses search() on Search Indexes
Use: when we know which sObjects and Fields the data resides Use: when we don't know which sObjects and Fields the data risides and want to find it in the most efficient way possible
Want to:
  • Retrieve data from a single sObject or multiple sObjects that are related
  • Count the number of records that meet specified criteria
  • Sort results as part of the query
Want to:
  • Retrieve multiple objects and fields efficiently, and the objects might or might not be related to one another
  • Retrieve data for a particular division in an organization using the divisions feature
  • Generally faster than SOQL if the search expression uses a CONTAINS term.
  • Avoid query with a WHERE filter that has null values for picklists or foreign key fields doesn’t use the index (full tablescan)
    Design the data model so that it does not rely on nulls as valid field values. Category__c != null vs Category__c != 'Default'
  • Indexes can't be used: when multiple WHERE filters are being used in SOQL, indexes cannot be used even though the fields in the WHERE clause can be indexed. Ref
    Solution: decompose the single query into multiple queries, each of which should have one WHERE filter, and then combine the results.
    Faster than SOQL:
  • When if the search expression uses a CONTAINS term
  • Tokenizes multiple terms within a field (for example, multiple words separated by spaces) and builds a search index off this.
    If you’re searching for a specific distinct term that you know exists within a field.
    Example: searching for “John” against fields that contained values like “Paul and John Company”.

Key Points

  • When building queries, list views, and reports, it's best to create filter conditions that are selective so Force.com scans only the rows necessary in the objects your queries target—the Force.com query optimizer doesn't use an index to drive queries containing unselective filter conditions, even if the fields those filter conditions reference already have indexes on them.
  • Filter conditions are also unselective if they exceed the Force.com query optimizer's thresholds
  • Selectivity (represents a fraction of rows from a row set) is especially important when your queries target objects containing more than one million records
  • Goals will be :

Fields with Database Indexes

Avoid Full TableScans

  String status = 'Active';
  if (status != null) {
    Account[] accounts = [ SELECT Name
        FROM Account
       WHERE status__c = :status
     System.Debug('Count:  ' + accounts.size());
  else {
      // full tablescan is avoided
     System.Debug('Not Found');

// if status is null, result in full tablescan
String status = null;
Account[] accounts = [ SELECT Name
    FROM Account
   WHERE status__c = :status ];

System.Debug('Count:  ' + accounts.size());

Force.com Query Optimizer

Generates most-efficient query based on:

  • Pre-computed Statistics
  • Indexs / Skinny Tables available
  • Visibility: Sharing
  • Uses pre-query engine to get the Statistics
  • Scans through WHERE clauses, look at each individual filters, select the most-selective filter
  • Determine the best leading table/index to Drive the query

Best Practices

Best Practices - contd.

  • Provide filters that are selective: provide one or more selective filter per SOQL statement
  • Avoid negative operators like: Status__c != 'Active' tablescan will be used here. Instead use: Status__c IN ('Open', 'In-Progress')
  • Avoid leading wildcard ('%pen') filters
  • Non-deterministic Formula (e.g: TODAY() function) fields can't be good filters - we can't index them
  • Always test with more than 10K records (upto this limit, Query Optimizer will favor TableScan)
  • Sort on a number or date field: If you need to use a field that does not have a number or date type, you can add a “hidden” field, populate it with converted number values, and then place an index on it
  • Sort on the second field for a two-column index
  • Exclude null records: If you sort on a field that might contain null records–regardless of whether you actually have any–add a filter in the WHERE clause to exclude those records. Otherwise, the Force.com query optimizer won’t consider using the index
  • Evaluate optimization: Make query planning part of development process
    • Consider state of database now and in future
    • Data Volume matters: Query performing well in Dev Org may not perform well in PROD!

Selective Filter components

  • Filters to reduce data out of the query
  • Operators: avoid inefficient filter operators
  • Selectivity Thresholds: filters need to meet
  • Index: Fields in the filters are indexed?
  • Date, Picklists, fields with wide and even distribution of values makes good filters
    Example: Checkbox (with values boolean values, true/false 50:50 distribution) will not make a good index

Standard Index Selectivity Threshold

To find out using an index is efficient ?

  • Selects less than 1 Million Records
  • Selects less than 300K (~13) records for the first 1 Million records
  • Selects less than 150K (~16) records for the second 1 Million records
    # records: 900K, Threshold: 270K
    # records: 2000K, Threshold: 300K + 150K = 450K
    # records: 5000K, Threshold: 1000K

Custom Index Selectivity Threshold

To find out using an index is efficient ?

    To find out using an index is efficient ?
  • Selects less than 333,333 Records
  • Selects less than 100K records for the first 1 Million records
  • Selects less than 50K records for the second 1 Million records
    # records: 900K, Threshold: 90K
    # records: 2000K, Threshold: 90K + 45K = 135K
    # records: 5000K, Threshold: 333,333

Index Selectivity Conditions and Thresholds

Custom Index - steps

  1. Find out common filter conditions
  2. Find selective fields in those filter conditions
  3. Use Query-Plan tool
  4. Request Custom Index with Salesforce Customer Support

Query Optimization

Query Strategies

Avoid Nulls

Avoid Wildcards

Avoid negative queries

Describe Opportunity

Query Plan

Query Plan - Example - 1

Query Plan - Example - 1 - contd.

Query Plan - Example - 1 - contd..

/query?explain=SELECT name,stageName FROM Opportunity WHERE stageName IN ('Closed Won', 'Value Proposition')
    "plans": [
            "cardinality": 7, // Estimated #records that leading op type  will return
            "fields": [],
            "leadingOperationType": "TableScan", // primary op type that QO will use to optimize this query

            "notes": [ // clues why optimizer can't use this filter
                    "description": "Not considering filter for optimization because unindexed",
                    "fields": [
                    "tableEnumOrId": "Opportunity"
                    "description": "Not considering filter for optimization because unindexed",
                    "fields": [
                    "tableEnumOrId": "Opportunity"
            "relativeCost": 1.2833333333333334,
            // cost is based on the Statistics SF gathered
            // plan with lowest cost will be used
            // relative cost compared to QO's Selectivity threshold
            // > 1 means this query would be selective! TableScan will be used!
            // if more than one filter is selective - QO will pick the one with lowest
            // cost to drive the query

            "sobjectCardinality": 33, // approx. record count for this query
            "sobjectType": "Opportunity"
    "sourceQuery": "SELECT name,stageName FROM Opportunity WHERE stageName IN ('Closed Won', 'Value Proposition')"

Query Plan - Example - 1 - contd...

Query Plan - Example - 1 - contd....

      /query?explain=SELECT name,stageName FROM Opportunity WHERE stageName IN ('Closed Won', 'Value Propostion')
      AND isDeleted = false
      "plans": [
              "cardinality": 3,
              "fields": [],
              "leadingOperationType": "TableScan",
              "notes": [
                      "description": "Not considering filter for optimization because unindexed",
                      "fields": [
                      "tableEnumOrId": "Opportunity"
                      "description": "Not considering filter for optimization because unindexed",
                      "fields": [
                      "tableEnumOrId": "Opportunity"
                      "description": "Not considering filter for optimization because unindexed",
                      "fields": [
                      "tableEnumOrId": "Opportunity"
              "relativeCost": 0.9944444444444444,
              "sobjectCardinality": 33,
              "sobjectType": "Opportunity"
      "sourceQuery": "SELECT name,stageName FROM Opportunity WHERE stageName IN ('Closed Won', 'Value Propostion')  AND isDeleted = false"

Playing with Query Optimizer

Playing with Query Optimizer - 2

Save the important Queries and find out the Query Plan on a regular basis

Developer Console Query Plan Tool FAQ

Playing with Query Optimizer - 3

Query-Plan Tool

  • If #records in the sObject is less than 10K, Optimizer will opt into TableScan
  • The Query Plan tool will show a list of available plans that our Query Optimizer can utilize for the query provided and will be arranged by cost ascending. Each Plan will contain information on Cardinality (number of rows returned by each operation in an execution plan),sobjectCardinality(number of the rows in the sObject participating in the query), Operation Type, Cost, sObject Type, and more. Each plan has a “Leading Operation Type”, for example, Field Index or Full Table Scan. The plan with the lowest cost is the plan that is used for driving the query execution.


FAQ - contd.


Video: Faster SOQL? Yes, Please

Video: SOQL Query Performance Tips and Tricks


Salesforce Optimizer